svn:ignore seems to be ignored on add operation
2014-11-28 10:31:40 UTC

Being new to SVNKit I might be missing something regarding the svn:ignore
My repository has at the root directory of the working copy the svn property
svn:ignore set to .DS_Store. When scheduling new files for addition through
the svn command line client (I'm on a Mac) everything works as expected, but
when using SvnScheduleForAddition, the files which should be ignored are
scheduled for addition no matter.

I use the following code:

In the ISVNEventHandler set on the SvnOperationFactory creating the
SvnScheduleForAddition I notice the file is still being added, as I get
SVNEventAction.ADD events for the should be ignored files.

Is there something I am missing, so the to be ignored files as specified in
the svn:ignore property of the working copy root directory are actually

Best regards,

View this message in context: http://subversion.1072662.n5.nabble.com/svn-ignore-seems-to-be-ignored-on-add-operation-tp191075.html
Sent from the SVNKit - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Dmitry Pavlenko
2014-11-28 13:38:47 UTC
Hello Jorrit,
Could you send us the directory on which you're running add and the exact code you're running.
As I remember, even native SVN doesn't respect svn:ignore in addition because:
- if you add a certain file with "svn add file", this overcomes svn:ignore;
- if you add some directory with files, this means that it is not under version contol yet, so it
has no properties, hence no svn:ignore.

The only situation when "svn add" respects svn:ignore is so-called "inherited properties", but this
is another case, as I understand.
Dmitry Pavlenko,
TMate Software,
http://subgit.com/ - git-svn bridge
Post by jorrit5477
Being new to SVNKit I might be missing something regarding the svn:ignore
My repository has at the root directory of the working copy the svn
property svn:ignore set to .DS_Store. When scheduling new files for
addition through the svn command line client (I'm on a Mac) everything
works as expected, but when using SvnScheduleForAddition, the files which
should be ignored are scheduled for addition no matter.
In the ISVNEventHandler set on the SvnOperationFactory creating the
SvnScheduleForAddition I notice the file is still being added, as I get
SVNEventAction.ADD events for the should be ignored files.
Is there something I am missing, so the to be ignored files as specified in
the svn:ignore property of the working copy root directory are actually
Best regards,
add-operation-tp191075.html Sent from the SVNKit - Users mailing list
archive at Nabble.com.